Tell us about your label, Josephine, and what inspires your designs?
My label
Josephene by Jo Lucchesi began with handbags. My design philosophy was, Celebrating your Uniqueness. My business grew locally with individual and boutique runs, of tailored and casual textile handbags and accessories. Seven years later, having heard hundreds of women talk about their lack of confidence about their changing bodies, not being able to find good fitting garments, and lacks within their wardrobes, I was inspired to do something about this. I started dressing women again. Now my design philosophy is, Providing styles, silhouettes and a personalised service to support my idea that women can love their reflection, enhance their shape and become fully alive.
How did you get into designing women's wear?
My Father was a Cutter in the Fashion Industry and I was his helper throughout high school. Having graduated from Fashion College in Adelaide, working as a freelance Pattern Maker and creating made to measure for hard to fit figures, I was thrilled to land the job as a Pattern Maker at R.M.Williams. I worked there for seven years in the Product Development section. My boss, an Italian Tailor took my knowledge to another level. R.M.Williams was a brilliant company to work for and I loved that job. During those years, I married a lovely man, had three gorgeous sons then moved to Mildura, rural Victoria. I thought that was the end of my career.
Creativity surged. My business began in my closet, expanded to the kitchen table, took over a bedroom [with a door – so exciting!]. Then, I’m so pleased to say, my husband project managed the building of my Studio. It’s next to our home, so I get to walk to work, and lock the door at the end of the day and walk home! Having teenage sons now, I am easily accessible for them. It’s perfect. So, in this beautiful space, I design, make patterns and manufacture gorgeous garments for real women. It’s what I’ve always done and what I’ve always loved.
When you're not working, what do you like to do for fun?
I have many wonderful people in my life, and I find it so enjoyable and replenishing to spend time with them, which always includes good coffee and good food. Quality time and nourishment. It fills my cup. I’m always so busy in my own story that I also find it a great hide away to watch someone else’s story, so I enjoy movies, too.
What brings you the most joy from your creative practice?
There is so much joy in hearing a woman say, how she feels so good, so comfortable in my designs; wears them lots; appreciates dresses with sleeves; loves the fit and quality. Most especially I find joy when she says that she feels beautiful in my designs as that speaks of gained confidence and acceptance of herself, too. That is a very special moment. Isn’t that the moment we all need?
What is it about Hustle&Scout that made you want to be involved?
I was drawn to the confidence and creativity Hustle&Scout is curated with. The line up looks amazing and I’m thrilled to be part of it this December!
Song on your ultimate mixtape:: Tina Arena, Don’t look back. Just love the line, I refuse to live an ordinary life. I sing it out loud on my road trips!
Guilty pleasure: Home made French toast – this means a very rare lazy Saturday morning at home with my family - love it.
Your role model/s: The women in my family. They are beautiful, strong, visionary, intelligent, hard working, resourceful, determined, loyal, loving, kind and fun to be with.