Friday, 23 August 2013

Recycle + reinvent!

Does the rubber tube off a bicycle have 9 lives? Trudy Pihelgas, designer of jewellery label ‘9 Lives Re-Creation’ thinks so. ‘Sustainable design’ and ‘ethical fashion’ are two trends that have inspired designers, such as Pihelgas, to use environmentally-friendly materials and employ socially responsible methods of production. In May 2007, Vogue claimed that sustainable fashion would not be a short-term trend, but one that ‘could last multiple seasons’. Well, Vogue was right - going green has never been more fashionable. For Pihelgas, these trends have informed her jewellery-making practice, which consists of recycling discarded materials and turning them into beautiful quality, one-of-a-kind pieces.

The mission behind 9 Lives Re-Creation is ‘To see the beauty and potential of all things, and the possibilities that a different point of view can create. It may be rubber tubing, electrical wires or broken china. Whatever the material or the original purpose, it can be transformed into something new and unexpected with a new and viable reason for existing’. This concept really excites me because purchasing this sort of jewellery not only ticks the ‘conscious consumer’ box, but it also allows people to access completely unique pieces that have a story connected to them. I actually own some of Pihelgas’ stunning creations, including her recycled black rubber necklace (which can be worn long or twice around for a chunkier piece) and one of her bow-tie brooches.

Whether it’s vintage china earrings, black and gold statement zipper necklaces, soft latte leather knot bracelets or red velvet bow-ties – 9 Lives Re-Creation has a treasure trove of exquisite pieces that are more than enough to make any outfit pop. Pihelgas is one of the three interstate designers showcasing at Hustle&Scout and we are very lucky to have her involved – this label is one to watch out for.

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