Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Local, sustainable fashion at its best.

Here at Hustle&Scout, we are big believers and supporters of sustainable fashion. Sustainable fashion, for us, can be conceptualised in a number of ways. It could be a second-hand vintage dress, it could be a fascinator made using zero-waste pattern making techniques, it could be a skirt made from fabric offcuts, it could be a tee shirt made from organic textiles, and it could be a garment that is proudly Australian made. 

Pure Pod are one of Australia's leading eco and sustainable fashion labels, and we are privileged to have them return to Hustle&Scout this Saturday. Ladies, if you have not tried on a piece of Pure Pod's clothing before then I strongly suggest you pay them a visit this weekend because there is something very special about feeling organic fabric against your skin. It contains a unique, soft quality that we so rarely find in an industry rampant with cheap, mass-produced fashion. 

I bought one of the Pure Pod Elk Sissone dresses last year and I love it. I wore it throughout summer with my shoulders bare, and now that it is cooling down, I wear it with a tight 3/4 top underneath.

If you like what you see at the markets on Saturday, you must buy tickets to Fashfest so you can catch Pure Pod's latest collection on the catwalk! Fashfest, which is a spectacular 4 day runway event held at the award-winning Canberra Airport, will showcase Canberra's finest design talent and Pure Pod will feature on day 3, Friday 2nd May. Grab your tickets at the Fashfest stall at Hustle&Scout or online at 

Why did you choose to re-apply to be a Hustle&Scout stallholder?
We LOVE Hustle & Scout markets! There is no choice! It's the most exciting and innovative market we have been to in Canberra and outside of Canberra. We look forward to seeing it grow and prosper with lots of other exciting creatives in the mix! 

What is your creative workspace like?
We have just reonovated our studio from the early 80's to modern and fresh 2014! We live and work in the home I was brought up in and we are slowly renovating it bit by bit and trying to bring this groovy 1960's flat roof house back to it's glory! We have lots of natural light, but I would like more, wooden floor boards from when my parents built our house in the 60's, wooden beams, brick feature walls, white walls and lots of clothes racks trims, fabrics and creative things to play with! My dream would be to make our studio and home a 100% green energy house and lots more natural light would be good too! 

What is your most treasured object in your workspace.
My most treasured object would be a pin cushion from my Grandmother who was a tailor in Scotland and some of her clothes she made for my Mum. Such beautiful work which we don't find today in modern clothing! 

Can you give us a few hints as to what your Fashfest collection is inspired by?
Our collection is called 'Rana - see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil! 
Rana is dedicated to those who work behind the scenes of the glamorous fashion industry like the farmers, the dyers, the makers, cutters, truck drivers, pattern makers etc. It is also dedicated to those who lost their lives and were badly injured in the Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh and to those who work and live in the pollution caused by the third highest polluting industry in the world - the fashion industry. 

What can punters expect to find from Pure Pod at the upcoming market?
We will have lots of our new Autumn/ Winter collection on show from our 'Night Vision - nocturnal' collection. Many items are hand printed using eco inks with owl and feather designs. 

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