Monday, 16 June 2014

Takin' 5 with the boys from Nature Park.

Tell us a bit about your label and what marketeers can expect to find at the winter market.

Nature Park is a recently established local t-shirt and fashion accessories label. We specialise in hand-printing our original and unique designs onto high-quality garments using water-based inks. We will be bringing the first of our winter line of super warm hoodies to the July Hustle&Scout, along with our current range of t-shirts and bags.
What is it about Hustle&Scout that made you want to apply to be a stallholder?
After doing the hard yards selling our merchandise at trash and treasure markets in the local car park, we realised that we needed to step it up a level. We believe that Hustle&Scout can provide the right environment for our label to reach out to the appropriate customers and therefore help us flourish.


Guilty pleasure?
Whiskey and dry, although we're not so sure that we feel much guilt over it.

Board game?
Scrabble, because in an age of 'SMS' and 'tweeting' someone needs to remember how to spell ;)

Thing to cook to impress someone?
Vietnamese rice-paper rolls – cheap, tasty and healthy. Win/win/win.

Place to unwind in Canberra?
Anywhere with deciduous trees in autumn.

Song to dance to?
Will dance to anything as long as nobody is watching.


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