Tell us about your label, Mother of Millions, and what the name means?
Actually Mother of Millions is a plant. It’s a beautiful looking succulent. You see it a lot along roadsides and in nanna’s gardens. It is, unfortunately, also a noxious weed. One day I drove past a sign that said “now spraying Mother of Millions” and I thought it was such a cool name, it makes me think of how our mother earth has harboured such a mind-boggling amount of life. So that’s what I named my label. Turns out there’s also a Greek metal band named Mother of Millions, they contacted me on Facebook. They are really friendly guys and their music is pretty cool too you should check it out!
What inspires you creatively and keeps you motivated?
Clothing is a very easy thing to be creative about because if you can imagine it, you can probably make it. There’s a much more concrete end goal than more abstract art forms like music or painting. Although the other day I went to make a bikini and instead made a new item of clothing I called a Tuxedo Kimono. That’s the kind of thing that happens when you don’t have another designer telling you what to do! I stay motivated with lots of tea and cookies. I set aside large blocks of time to work and I will completely zone into it for hours and people get annoyed because I won’t answer my phone…
Tell us about your workspace?
I work from home, drafting patterns on my dining table, usually with kids and pets (and husband) all vying for my attention! It can get distracting at times, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. In the past, when I had a separate studio I’d get lonely and drag all my stuff out to the dining table to be near people and food.
Describe the Mother of Millions design aesthetic...
With my first range of clothing I just wanted to make cute dresses and outfits that were stylish and really easy to wear. Also easy to dance in! Because dancing is fun! In the future I will be focusing on edgier pieces, as I’ve become more into graphic design I want to do more prints but also focus a lot on texture. I’m always torn between a very natural earthy toned aesthetic, and totally mod, in your face look!
What is it about Hustle&Scout that made you want to be a stallholder?
I am really excited to be a stallholder at Hustle&Scout. It looks like there will be an exceptionally high calibre of talent and creativity at this event, I’m very impressed by the line-up and I am thrilled to be a part of it!
Fave piece you have made: This seasons “Serena Dress” in pink! (pictured right) I think it’s romantic and comfortable. You really go from slob to sexy senorita in 10 seconds!

Guilty Pleasure: YogurtLand. Which I only feel guilty about because I’m totally lactose intolerant.
Fave place to unwind: Yougurtland haha
Item in your studio: My Pfaff sewing machine. I expect it will last my entire life. Love that German engineering!
Australian fashion designer: There are so many talented designers here! Romance Was Born has really grown on me with their last few seasons. I love the psychedelic millennial vibe! I also am in major awe of Lover’s new collection it’s incredibly good!
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