Fujinella is a combination of names, I was originally going to call the label “Nella” after a resident dog that lived in a hotel in Mexico I had stayed at on holiday and when I first thought about putting a label together and “Fuji” comes from when I actually put pen to paper and started sketching the collection in a restaurant in Tokyu call Fuji – mammas....Hence... Fujinella.
What inspires you creatively and keeps you motivated?
Honestly everything, feedback from my loyal customers, things that lack in my wardbrobe, a women in a fabulous out, art, movies, travel...
Describe your workspace...
I am fortunate enough to work from home, I have a sewing room/studio under the stairs....very Harry potter...
You're a Melbourne based designer - what do you enjoy most about being part of the creative scene down there?
Being able to drop everything and head out for a coffee if I need a creative break, we are fortunate to live around the corner from Heide.
What is it about Hustle&Scout that made you want to be a stallholder?
I love the energy, vision and thought that goes into this market.
What you wanted to be when you grew up: I’ve always wanted to be and experience everything, fashion designer, naturopath, actor, dancer, Olympic athlete you name it I wanted to be it at one one point!
Fave place to unwind: The bath.
Australian fashion designer: I don’t really have a favourite, I’m a bit of a minimalist, less is more. It’s more about the garment and look for me.
Song on your ultimate mix tape: Beautiful People, masters at work.
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