Friday, 14 November 2014


Tell us a bit about your Japoncity and how you got into making jewellery?

I wanted to be an artist and always had a real passion for sculpture, but realised how difficult it can be to make ends meet in the art world. Then during a session with my school careers advisor, she pointed out an arts degree with a major in jewellery and I was instantly sold! I have a practical trade behind me, but also get the joy of being an artist at the same time. I make tiny precious sculptures to adorn the body!
What inspires your designs?
Having spent time in Japan as an exchange student in my teens, I am consumed by a love of Japanese design. The smooth lines and angles of origami as well as ancient floral patterns from kimonos are the strongest features of my work.

What has brought you the most joy from your creative practice and why?

I once had a client who asked me to custom make something to fit over her arthritic knuckles. I used the original stones and gold from her bridal jewellery and made her a new ring which pops open in the middle to slip over the knuckle then clips closed when in place on the finger. We both cried together when she put that ring on her finger after years of not being able to wear anything. That gorgeous lady still pops past my market stalls from time to time to tell me about her latest holiday or tales of the grandchildren. Every time I see her, she proudly shows me how great her ring is looking (now 6 years down the track!).

What can market folk expect to find at our November event?
From me? Contemporary adaptations of iconic Japanese patterns that play with textures and lines. On my stall you will find jewellery that is begging to be explored, touched and worn.

What is it about Hustle&Scout that made you want to be a stallholder?
I wanted to join Hustle&Scout because the event has a buzz that I could feel all the way over in Vietnam! Plus it was well timed with one of my scheduled trips home to Australia. And the line-up features many designers whom I adore and will be proud to stand beside :)




Guilty pleasure: Chocolate (standard answer, but seriously, is there anything else?)

First song on your ultimate mixtape: Anything by Newton Faulkner.

Fashion item you own: Right now, the knitted headbands by mother-in-law made for me.

Place to unwind in Canberra: Any place my friends are.

Thing you have made: My wedding ring. Designed by Hubby, made by me :)

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