Tell us about I wish I had a little shop and how it all
Where or who do you look to for design inspiration?
Everywhere! I’m always looking for new
and unexpected colour combinations- in the natural environment and the
online-verse (I’m a bit of Instagram junkie). My designs are primarily driven
by wanting to explore colour and its infinite combinations. Admittedly, my combinations don’t always work
and I often have, ‘what was I thinking?’ moments. My newest collection (debuting at Hustle&Scout) is heavily influenced by the revival of the Memphis movement- bold
colour combinations and geometric shapes abound!
When you’re not working, what do you like to do for fun?
I collect hobbies. Any opportunity to learn a new craft or technique and I’m there! In the past few years I’ve attended workshops for basket weaving, shibori, macramĂ©, loom weaving and ceramics.
What item in your studio could you not live without and why?
The sofa! Also, the kettle (for
coffee), the bar fridge (for beer) and the heater (for those chilly Hobart mornings).
Oh, and my business partner (Flock of Two), Ruth!
What is it about Hustle&Scout that made you want to be a
Having heard nothing but good things
about the Canberra events I was so excited when I head Hustle & Scout was
coming to Hobart. I’d been trying to work it into my interstate market calendar
for a few years, but it never quite happened. Happily you guys are coming to me
instead! I love the vibe of being part of a well curated design market and, for
me, Hustle & Scout ticks all the boxes -great exposure, amazing venue,
access to the right market, good food and live music.
Guilty pleasure: watching Game of Thrones and eating salted caramel ice cream.
What you wanted to be when you grew up: taller
Fave fashion piece you own: Jane Hodgetts earrings and studio ugg boots
Fave place to unwind in Hobart: my studio couch or anywhere that serves good beer
Your role model/s: I was going to say someone like, Julia
Gillard, Hilary Clinton, or maybe, Margaret Thatcher, but in truth my role
models are The Goodies (especially Bill & Graham, not so much Tim).
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